Saturday, April 28, 2007

Jeffrey Sachs, Al Gore, Global Warming, Climate Change & Sustainable Development

I have been following Prof. Jeffrey Sachs' 2007 Reith Lectures on the BBC Radio and had just watched two life changing movies: Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" and another Sundance's movie "Who Killed the Electric Car".

Really, at the way we are "developing" by raping the Earth reminds me of a scene in the Lord of the Rings' movie where Saruman's war campaign spike up the production of weapons that sucks up vast amounts of energy from felled timber.

The scene is one of utter environmental devastation: destruction of the eco-balance.

Are we already in or at the brink of the no return road of unsustainable development?

I honestly think so.

Look at the pressure on fresh water.

Next it will be food, shelter, services and even the very air we need for survival.

The law of Nature is Equilibrium, Nature will sustain to the point of sustainable balance.

In other words, when we tip the balance, death and destruction will naturally occur until a new balance is attained.

If we take a moment to think, Earth is a self contained sustainable and renewable entity floating in sterile Space.

The eco-system of the Earth is self sustainable and renewable: the hydrological cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle or death to sustain life of one's organism waste as another organism's food etc and the original source of energy powered by the Sun.

If, say at an instance all human life on Earth is wiped out, will other life forms continue to prevail on Earth. The answer is a resounding "YES".

But not the other way round.

The Earth needs no Homo Sapiens to keep it viable and sustainable, but we need the Earth to live.

Strange that even when we know there is no other Earth near us that we can shift to in case life on planet Earth becomes unsustainable and yet we keep on destroying it for short term economic gains.

Unless we are of the persuasion that we need to destroy Earth to hasten the advent of Heaven, we ought to preserve the only heaven that we know of that exists on planet Earth.

The Kingdom of Heaven will come in God's perfect timing, it is the sole prerogative of God, as for us mortals, we are to be His good and faithful stewards in managing Earth well, which is our duty and responsibility.

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