Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Sin & the Sinner

I received an appeal from one Pastor Allen Tan urging Christians in Malaysia to "nib the problem of starting a gay church in Malaysia at its bud".

Apparently there is one Pastor Oyoung Wen Feng commissioned by strong American support is tasked to starting a gay church in Malaysia.

Pastor Allen Tan is urging Christians from various denominations to unite to stop it from happening, even to the extent of urging the government of Malaysia to intervene on the basis that homosexual activities subvert the government's efforts and millions of ringgits investment in stemming out the HIV-AIDS problem because, according to Rev Tan, AIDS-HIV is caused by homosexual acts.

Pastor Tan seems to have taken it upon himself with crusading fervor to eradicate the budding of any gay church in Malaysia to the extent of using any ways and means to achieve his end believing he had a mandate from God to eradicate the ungodly from the face of the earth, phew, with fervor reminiscing those of the infamous Taliban!

While I am in agreement with the Bible that homosexual acts like other sexual sins e.g. bestiality, fornication and adultery is forbidden to all, Christians or non-Christians alike, we ought to be realistic and acknowledge the fact that as redeemed sinners, we are still on the way towards holiness and are still continuing to struggle with sin, whether we confess it to our other fellow brethren or not.

Do we grant church fellowship to people only if they are "good enough" to be associated with us, or do we accept people in good faith and based on face value that they have, like us, have taken a step of faith in following Jesus Christ though confession, repentance, desiring and working diligently on becoming a disciple of Christ even though we by faith are already Christ's disciples?

What if one day, someone we know as a brother or sister, with whom we have fellowship approach us with a confession of a sexual sin that he or she is struggling with and seeking our help to overcome it?

Do we push him/her away like lepers or do we weep with them and extend that hand of support to carry our brother through because he is our brother that we ought not to abandon in his hour of need?

There would not have been a place for any gay church had the conventional churches provide a place in their congregation to rehabilitate people who repents and are working towards overcoming their specific areas of weaknesses in their lives.

People like Oyoung may have the agenda to establish some kind of a church that runs contrary to the basic teachings and values of the Bible, maybe like a Jewish sect that advocates the eating of pork, but to then pressure a secular government to intervene in what is precisely a religious matter is inviting a "kick-me" ridicule.

What ought to be our response then?

The criminal laws of Malaysia, inherited from the British, which relied upon the values of the Church of England provides for the specific punishment of homosexual acts (acts of carnal knowledge).

This is the same law that Dr. Mahathir, the retired Prime Minister of Malaysia used to get the courts to convict and fire his deputy, Anwar Ibrahim.

But this is a matter of the law and their are sufficient provisions in the Penal Code to punish people who practices homosexual acts in Malaysia, be it committed privately or publicly.

Even if Oyoung or some others manage to get his gay church established, ought we be ashamed because he claim it to be a Christian Church?

Labels ought not trouble us, decent people know what decency is and rubbish smells like and the substance of garbage no matter how it is masked or disguised.

People will be able to discern the truth from falsehood by reasoning.

If truth cannot be established by reasoning; then truth it ought not be.

We cannot forbid religious freedom (no matter how contrary it is to our own liking) in Malaysia because it is enshrined in our secular Constitution that protects all, us included.

We can only attempt to enlighten people on the love of God that desires us to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives and for that, He guides us through His wisdom, precepts upon precepts, a little here, a little there.

Let us build our communities to be strong and true to our Lord.

An abundant life in Christ Jesus experienced needs no other distraction, even of the strange kind like same sex acts.

Below is my reply to a concerned brother:

Dear Bro. Lim,
Thank you for forwarding the two emails regarding the same issue.

My first reaction is "Wow"! Seems like the "vernacular" Chinese newspapers are more current than the mainstream English and Bahasa Malaysia newspapers in Malaysia in covering such "hot issues" like "gay churches" that will help sell their newspapers and benefit their shareholders and employees!

I think the attempt to stop or ban people from discussing or establishing churches, temples or any other institutions of religious or moral persuasion other than ours is utmost condescending at best and bigotry at worst.

I am not acquainted with one Rev. Allen Tan, but I could literally smell that blood thirsty sword of judgment in his hands to mete out "God's justice" like the famous Justice Pow of Kaifeng of old and ala maybe the Taliban of modern day Afghanistan trapped in their 7thCentury archaic time frozen mindset.

Malaysia's Constitution is secular and thank God it is.

This same Constitution that guarantees religious freedom for all is like a double edged sword that cuts both ways, it is impartial and a respecter of no persons, this is the essence of the Rule of Law, a tenet of modern civilization so sacred that without which the foundation of justice cannot stand.

If we start to poke the government to ban what we think is "unchristian", we are writing a blank cheque of precedence for our own persecution.

Ponder for a moment, do we forbid churches that preaches a different gospel other than ours, even one that denies the deity of Christ?

Churches that teach us to abstain from eating and drinking certain kinds of food and drinks because the Bible (Old Testament) records for the Jews that those are forbidden but the New Testament clearly records for us in the Council of Jerusalem that we Gentiles need no further yoke for what Jesus Christ has emancipated us from?

Churches that still believe in the Apostolic Succession and the continuous practice of the speaking in tongues when it ought to have ceased as a feature of God's intended dispensation for such a phenomenon tagged with an expiry date?

I could go on and on, but I think we ought to have got the point by now.

Leave these people alone but educate our own people on the ways of the Lord.

If we know that homosexual acts is wrong before the sight of God just like any other sexual sins like adultery, fornication and masturbation (?), talk and walk our personal life to match our talk.

By the way, HIV and AIDS is caused by a virus spread by the transfer of body fluids, not necessary exclusive to homosexual acts. It can be transmitted by blood transfusion, sharing of needles, toothbrushes, razor blades and even heterosexual sex.

Recent medical discoveries seem to indicate that HIV transmission amongst circumcised males is less vis-a-vis uncircumcised, so does it mean that we all ought to be circumcised to help slow down the spread of HIV-AIDS and be wanton with our sexual appetite?

No! ABC is still the message: Abstain, Be Faithful to your Spouse and if you cannot be either, wear a Condom!

The beauty of the Christian Church is in its diversity and the tolerance within the ecclesia that had allowed the diversity to blossom.

My take of the situation is simple.

If we are Christ's disciples first and church members second, it does not matter which church I go to or if I go to any church at all.

Church as an organization is supposed to serve society, touch lives and points people to Jesus Christ to also be their Lord and Savior through their own free will.

But alas, look around us and we see the ubiquitous self serving ends of the people with power running the churches and the unbelievable dirt and abuses of pastors and yes man and yes woman leaders lead by their noses.

My own life is a tragic story of church abuse.

I was ex-communicated by a Charismatic Church because I asked:

1. For the church accounts to b externally audited and also published.

2. For open membership to be practiced as stipulated in the church's constitution and

3. For the election of the pastors and office bearers, all these stipulated in the church's constitution but never practiced and forever denied to the "church members".

The biggest joke to silent me was the senior pastor, with help from his cronies, hastily set up a kangaroo court, made up of an equally hastily set up "Elders Board" and "Discipline Committee Board" to hear and judge me in absentia and finally excommunicated me and my family, even though we were not members in the first place!

Not members even after attending the church as pioneers and for more than 20 years.

Not members not because we did not want to, but because the senior pastor deceived us into believing that there is no need for "paper membership", so long as you attend the church, you automatically are members.

How romantic and naive we all were!

How cunningly deceptive this "man of god" is!

I can go on and on about the shameful cover-up, way up the church hierarchy, even way up to Springsfield, Missouri, USA, but I think this should suffice.

Those who knows the truth, will be set free by the truth, although it first has to hurt.

My two sen advise on the matter: the gays and lesbians may not be people we like to associate with, but they are people who Christ died for too.

If we are not prepared to minister to them because we would not touch the uncleaned, let those who have a heart to reach out to these special people do so without our inhibitions.

If Jesus Christ were to be here today, how would he had treat the gays and the lesbians caught in the act and brought by the modern day Pharisees for His judgment?

Would He command them to be condemned with decapitation or would he challenge us (you and me, the onlookers): Let those without sin cast the first stone?

Would you cast the first stone when the He Who knew no sin simply says, "Go and sin no more".

Grace, Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me, freely we receive, let us also freely give.

Alex Kee

On 8/6/07, SER SHING LIM <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bene Toon <>
Date: Aug 6, 2007 5:44 PM
Subject: Fwd: Gay church issue
To:,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, Aaron & Vivian ONG <>, Afred Ng <>, amos lee <>, Amy Ding <>, "Andri DO (Rica Jkt)" <>, andy chua <>, annabelle chian <>, Anthony Ong <>, Ban Huat <>, BK <>, Bro Dav <>, Bro Ken <>, Bro Soong Kok Tiong <>, Bro Tony <>, Bruce & cathie <>, Cha Yong <>, Chen Long <>, Chloe Teo <>, CqLeong <>, Daniel Sin <>, Danny Eng <>, davidson lawrence <>, desmiond leong <>, Doulos Tan < >, Eileen Chee <>, en cheng <>, forrestgump forrestgump <>, heo ty <>, irene Ang <>, Jimmy Chan <>, joseph dowd <>, Joshua Lim < >, Joshua Lim <>, Kelvin Ng <>, LARRY <>, Lau Kui Min Usana <>, Mark Kwan <>, matthew soon <>, nelson peter <>, nelson peter <>, Ninan <>, Paul Rajan <>, "Ps. Shi Shin" <>, " Ps.Daniel Chow" <>, "Ps. Ernie" <>, "Ps. PeiSan" <>, "ps.Thomas fang" <>, "Rev. Allen TAN" <>, Ricky Lim <>, Rudi Senjaya <>, Rui Fu <>, samuel Tan <>, sathis nair <>, simon ho < >, sis malini <>, SSLim <>, Tan Boon Joo < >, Tan Guan <>, Timothy Siow <>, victor eng <>, vincentia <>, Vivian Ai fen <>, Wee Yong Fook <>, wenchi <>, wenshiong <>, wong et yong <>, yap choon ping <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Allen Tan <>
Date: Aug 6, 2007 2:50 PM
Subject: Gay church issue
To: NECF <>, Wong Kim Kong <>
Cc: Ding Mee Heyong <>, Nancy Lai <>, "Amy Lee (Antioch)" <>, Andrew Wong <>, Christopher Mun <>, Edward Chui <>, elizabeth <>, Lum Chee Wah <>, Joshua Lee <>, Susan Tang <>, Tryphena Law < >, Tracy Ng <>, Bene Chian <>

Aug 6 2007

Dear Rev Wong Kim Kong,

Thank you for replying me through Sister Sandy via a sms. Since you are not taking actions, I will work with some others to pursue the matter. Many churches and ministers are looking up to NECF for help. They still think the best party is NECF. What for NECF organizes praying and fasting for 40 days for the nation, and now when this crucial issue propped up which required your prompt action, you are not willing to do anything? I am sure that such gay-agenda being propped up was the result of our Christians' prayers. You know God chose to expose them right in the period of your 40-day fast so that you can take a prompt action! As such, Pastors are disappointed with your reply.

Though the gays in the talk do not practice the act, don't you see that this is the budding time? And soon it will come out with the fruits. If we could foresee that they are bad fruits, should not we do something now? Which way is easier, to nip the buds now, or to tend to sick people who consumed the fruits later?

Yes, it is good to see the Muslims taking action against homosexuality. But I feel that we Christians should be the first person to be aware of the deadly sting of it. We should be the first to take initiative to work with government. I am sure the government is very pleased with us to alert them of the vice being taking place in the country. The government is spending billions of Ringgits in treating the HIV and sex-related diseases! They are definitely not willing to see youths involved in all these perversions. I hope that you are not upset with me over my opinion. I only see that upholding the principles of the Bible is important when the society needs us.

Thank you. God bless you.

P.S. Aug 7 at noon, some pastors would meet up and see what to do next.

Rev. Allen Tan

Aug 5 2007

Dear Pastors, Bro & Sis,

Updates on Gay Church in Malaysia


Thank you for your concern about the gay church. Prior to his two meetings on Aug 11 & 12 at Grand Olympic Hotel (near Merdeka Stadium KL), Oyoung Wen Feng is having a road-show for 5 days from Aug 5 to 9 at Penang, Johor Baru, KL & Singapore. Again Sin Chew Jit Poh made the publicity on Aug 5. This shows that Oyoung is aggressive in pushing through the Gay-agenda in Malaysia.

If we do not stop him now, pretty soon Malaysia will have many gay churches. A pastor told me that Rev. Troy Perry has planted 200 gay churches in America. Is it true? Could anyone give us the answer especially those who are in America? Their church is Metropolitan Community Church – New York. By the way, Troy is not the senior pastor, but the founder of MCCNY. The senior pastor is Rev Bumgardner. Please check Oyoung's website about his road-shows:

Very soon, our friends and relatives would be invited to attend the weddings of their members. Alamak, their spouse is of the same sex! Very soon, all our true churches will have real struggles with youth ministry. We pray that youth pastors would work harder because we are fighting for souls with gay churches.

Some of you asked me about two things: 1. Who Joseph was. 2. Getting NECF to help. Here are the answers:

1. I called Joseph and he is a Christian. When asked which church he attends, he was evasive. This shows that he has no confidence to face the public about his church membership. I exchanged sms with him asking him to repent. But he was upset with me, and he said that we Christians have no guts to do something to the unjust in our country, and instead we all prevent sinners to build relationship with God. It is obvious that he was misled by Oyoung.

When Christians spoke against homosexuality, Oyoung will accuse the church for persecuting them. The church welcomes all gays and lesbians, but we don't condone their actions. These people do not face the reality to have their lifestyle changed. Instead they set up gay churches because they have the wrong ideas that churches as whole persecuted them.

2. I sent a letter to NECF, Rev Wong KK, he replied through sms: 'Rev Allen Tan, this is Sandy from NECF, Rev Wong KK has read and understood your letter. His response is that NECF will help churches to educate their members but is unable to push the govt to ban the talk. The reason is that NECF's stand to the govt is in support of religious liberty. Asking for a ban based on our own beliefs goes against this and may have other repercussions. However, the homosexual act is a criminal offence in Malaysia so you may want to report the matter to the police. (Only that no actual act is committed during the talk, so it may not work.) Rev Wong hopes that you understand the situation and thank you for your concern for the Body of Christ. Thank you.'

I want to thank those who responded to me through calls and emails expressing their supports. And at the same time they are forwarding my mail to some Christian groups which practiced justice. Some gave me some suggestions. I hope we will come out with some solutions. Stopping gay-ministry is a long-term wrestling with Oyoung and his group. Though we may not be on-time to stop his two meetings now, we hope that his work would not be established in Malaysia.

Thank you and God bless you.

Rev. Allen Tan

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