Thursday, April 9, 2009

Two Deaths Won't One Life Resurrect

Another of PH's thots on the sentencing of the two policemen accused of shooting and blasting the Mongolian Model, Altantuya Shararibu:

Two Deaths Won't One Life Resurrect

written by Penumpang Halal, April 09, 2009
I am personally against the death sentence because it serves no other purpose, save an economic one: since it is cheaper to exterminate than to incarcerate and further more, dead people tell no tales.

These two poor souls may be the "kaki-tangans" that executed the killing and the disposal of evidence, but who is the "kepala" who ordered the execution?

There can be no justice without truth and where justice is not done or seen to be done, it engenders fertile grounds for alternative forms of justice contrary to what we have constitutionally bind ourselves to abide.

The slide down the slippery slope of perceived institutionalized injustice is steep and insidious, it seeks to corrode the very ties that binds society together through shared common values in law and order.

Oh, may sanity and rationality prevails in our midst, still.

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