Friday, December 18, 2009

Contemplations On the Mandatory Death Sentence

"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind", Mahatma Gandhi famously said.

Perhaps, it is because we are spiritually blind that we endorse the reciprocity of sin disguised as deterrent punishment.

Is it logical to chop off the hand of a convicted thief who stole because he needs food to survive and condemn him to seek no other avenues of making a living but to risk his other remaining hand in order to put food into his mouth?

As Mencius puts it, all human beings endeavor to do good, but distractions are a plenty and the onus is on the strong to bear the weak.

Alas, there are few keepers around today, especially brother's keepers.

Let us work towards a more compassionate cultured society.

Progress in civilization had actually digress humanity towards monstrosity.

Let there be Love, Peace and Hope among us, especially at these trying times when almost every known systems seem to be broken!

May 2010 be a better year.

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