More often quoted than fully understood, the Pauline's quotation in 1Timothy 6:10:
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."
is a timely reminder to all of us post the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and its impending "W" recurring crisis in 2011 a.k.a. the Euro Woes, that Money is a human concept and devoid of reality in the light of eternity.
I often wondered how would the world be like had money, credit, finance, stock markets, exchange rates and all the other virtual world of Mammon had not been conceptualized and invented. In other words, had humans remain as Stone Age Hunters and Gatherers?
Imagine there is no Money,
No Wealth to Fight for,
No Mortgages to pay,
Everybody take and give,
According to their needs;
Never their greed.
The World would be Greener and Happier,
Every creature living in Harmony,
Less Convenient maybe,
But Paradise on Earth,
In a world before the invention of money, credit, refrigeration, logistics and global trade, Man took from Nature what they need. It is akin to the harvest of "Manna", provided free by God but harvested only to the amount that is needed or the excess will be rendered useless by the following day.
Natural resources, provided free by Nature in a sustainable and renewable way by Nature: Sunshine, Fresh Air, Plants, Animals, Fishes are never over exploited because there is no Market to trade the excess harvest.
With no instrument to store and exchange wealth value a.k.a. "Money", Greed cannot be institutionalized.
In an egalitarian society forced upon by the ubiquity of resources, the absence of Money and the futility of material stock holding, Hunters and Gatherers had no concept of private ownership of what is provided free by Nature.
Man hunt and gather from Nature according to needs and never greed simply because it does not pay to be greedy.
The invention of Money to facilitate exchange and its unintended consequences in its store value of portable wealth that can easily be transformed into material, together with the concept of private ownership changed everything to the our current global state of in-sustainability.
We have over exploited Nature's original design of self sustainability and renew-ability by consuming tomorrow's resources in today's time with the clever financial devise call "Credit".
In days of old, we save to invest; today we spend away our future and enslave ourselves to lifetime servitude to Mammon, paying off our mortgages and credit card debts.
Feeding the Machine with our blood, sweat and tears, it is time we stop, look up and insist that enough is enough, this insanity must cease and the altar to Mammon must be torn down!
Indeed, man can only serve one exclusive master at a time: God OR Mammon just as the Jesus Christ of Nazareth once said in Matthew 6:24:
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."
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